The Doctor

>> Tuesday 15 September 2009

"I'm the Doctor! And if you don't like it - if you want to take it to a higher authority, there isn't one. It stops with me!" New Earth

"I like my thumb! I need my thumb, I'm very attached to my thumb..." Tooth and Claw

"Pardon me your majesty, you're gonna have to leg it out the window." Tooth and Claw

“Not bad you know, still a bit, bleurgh…” Smith and Jones

“Judoon platoon upon the Moon.” Smith and Jones

“Bare foot on the moon.” Smith and Jones

“I dunno, humans! We're stuck on the moon, running out of air, with Judoon and a bloodsucking criminal, and you're asking personal questions?” Smith and Jones

“She’s as clever as me… almost…” Smith and Jones

“You’re joshin’ me?!” Smith and Jones

“Rose, her name was, Rose, and we were together.” Smith and Jones

“Just walk about like you own the place, works for me.” The Shakespeare Code

“Rose would know…” The Shakespeare Code

“That name keeps me fighting!” The Shakespeare Code

“Badaboomba!” The Shakespeare Code

“Good old J K!” The Shakespeare Code

“She’s alone, she’s lost, she doesn’t belong on this planet and it’s all my fault.” Gridlock

“Don’t you go dying on me you big old face, you’ve gotta see this!” Gridlock

“I’m not just a Time Lord; I’m the last of the Time Lords.” Gridlock

“There was a war, a Time war. The last great Time War. My people fought a race called the Daleks for the sake of all creation and they lost. We lost. Everyone lost. They’re all gone now… my family, my friends, even that sky… Oh, you should have seen it that old planet. The second sun would rise in the South and the mountains would shine. The leaves on the trees were silver, when they caught the light every morning they looked like a forest on fire. When the autumn came, a breeze would blow through the branches like a song…” Gridlock

"So, the whole wide universe, where do you wanna go?" Partners in Crime

"We're in Pompeii, and it's volcano day..." The Fires of Pompeii

"You must excuse my friend, she's from... Barcelona." The Fires of Pompeii

"Nice little bit of allonsy!" The Fires of Pompeii

"That's the burden of the TimeLord. I'm the only one left." The Fires of Pompeii

"That's the choice, Donna. It's Pompeii or the world..." The Fires of Pompeii

"If I could go back and save them I would, but I can't!" The Fires of Pompeii

“Donna Noble, citizen of the Earth standing on a different planet! How about that!?” Planet of the Ood

"It's the end of the universe..." Turn Left