>> Saturday 6 December 2008

As the storm raged outside and the wind howled, Will pulled the covers over his face. He was not only desperately trying to block out the chilling sounds from outside, but the feeling that he was not alone…
Just 10 seconds earlier, he was sitting up in bed reading his Harry Potter book when, in the doorway, he thought he had seen a figure. A white figure.
He had shaken his head, dismissing the idea completely, and slithered under his duvet, but the idea was niggling away at the back of his mind.
“Don’t be stupid, Will,” he said to himself, “You’re probably just imagining things.”
He closed his eyes tight and then felt an ice cold breeze rustle his hair. Shivers ran down his spine as he remembered he had closed his window because of the storm.
“Keep calm,” he thought, “You’re dreaming.”
It was only when the cover was peeled away from him and the white figure loomed above him that he released it wasn’t a dream; it was a nightmare, and it was real.
A yelp escaped from his lips and before the sound could echo into his parents’ room, the figure, which was completely mist like, touched Will’s forehead. Will suddenly felt a piercing pain fill his head, and before he knew it, everything went black.

Mandy and Kyle woke up to a strange banging sound and immediately jumped out of bed. They walked cautiously down the stairs to see their son, Will, hammering on the front door.
“Will! What are you doing?” Kyle shouted.
Will turned around, a look of anger on his face, “I don’t know who you are, but if you don’t let me out right now, I’ll smash the door down!”
Mandy and Kyle exchanged panicked glances and Mandy said softly, “Love, you live here.”
“I don’t know who you are!” Will replied, “It’s against the law to kidnap you know!”
Mandy gasped and tears began flowing down her face.
“Stop messing around Will, this isn’t funny,” Kyle enforced, “You get your school stuff ready right now!”“I don’t know you!” Will shouted, kicking the door. It shuddered and Will angrily reached for some keys on a nearby table. He quickly unlocked the door and before Kyle could stop him, he was running outside. Mandy sobbed and Kyle stood in disbelief as his son ran away from him. He slowly closed the door and turned to face Mandy.
“He’ll be back when it’s teatime,” he said, “Mark my words.” He hugged his wife and said, “Cuppa?”

The Doctor frowned, “Beth!”
In the TARDIS wardrobe, Beth was hanging her clothes onto the twisty railing. She stopped at hearing the Doctor’s voice, and ran into the console room. She popped her head through the door.
“Take a look at this,” the Doctor said.
Beth stared at the TARDIS console to see a red line whizzing around a screen in all directions.
“What’s that?” she asked.
“Someone is up to no good,” the Doctor sighed, pulling a lever, “We’ll have to investigate.”
There was a serious look between them for about a fraction of a second, then the Doctor grinned and Beth exploded into a fit of giggles.
“You love all this really, don’t you?” she smiled.
“What? The trouble? The aliens? The… explosions?!” he laughed.
The TARDIS whizzed once more, this time to modern day earth in England.

Mandy glanced nervously at the clock as the hands ticked just past midnight.
“Back for teatime?” she spluttered, sobbing into her coffee, “What’s wrong with him?!”
Kyle paced around the table. He knew deep down that something was wrong.
There was a sudden knock at the door and Kyle leapt up like a frog. He opened the door full of hope but was deflated as soon as he saw a young woman and a man in a suit staring back at him, smiling. The man had a piece of junk in his hands and Kyle sighed.
“Look, I don’t want to buy anything, go away,” he went to close the door shut when the Doctor put his foot in the way.
“Actually, we’re here to help you, not sell you stuff,” he grinned, and the man felt a strange sense of trust towards him. Mandy was now at the door.
“Help us?” she repeated.
“Yeah, there have been some strange readings around your house recently,” the Doctor said.
Kyle and Beth exchanged looks, then said, “You’d better come in.”

“It’s always a good sign when people offer you tea,” the Doctor grinned, and Beth nudged him in the ribs. “That’s not appropriate,” she said through gritted teeth.
The Doctor placed the tea on the table then looked at Kyle, “Has anything strange happened here recently?”
Mandy began to cry and Beth sat by her side, arm on her shoulder.
“W-Will…” she sobbed.
“Who is that?” Beth said softly.
“Our son,” Mandy stuttered, “This morning, he said we weren’t his parents! H-he said he didn’t know who we were!”
Mandy cried into Beth’s chest and Beth looked up at the Doctor.
The Doctor was frowning, glancing at his machine. “Do you mind if I take a look around?”
Before he could get an answer, he was halfway up the stairs.
After Mandy had finished crying, Beth stood up and sat back on the sofa. There was a sudden frantic bang on the door and Mandy shot up.
“Will!” she shouted, grabbing her son in a tight hug. Beth watched on, confused.
Will sat down on the sofa next to Beth, slightly shaken. However, when he saw Beth he immediately flushed and fiddled with his hair nervously. He looked up at Beth and blushed when she smiled at him.
“Who are you?” he finally asked.
“Beth,” she smiled, “I’m guessing you’re Will.”
Will blushed and Beth noticed as he turned his head, something glittered on his neck. She looked closer and it seemed he had a necklace of some sort attached to his skin. Before Beth could ask, Will started shuddering and closing his eyes.
“Will?” Mandy asked, “Will, what’s wrong?”
After a moment or so, Will stood upright and shouted, “What is wrong with you people? Why do you keep bringing me back here? Leave me alone!”
He stormed towards the door, took one last disgusted look back and slammed the door. As this happened, the Doctor stepped down the stairs.
“What did I miss?” he asked.

“Well that’s odd,” he frowned.
Beth looked at the floor, “Did you find anything up there?”
“Yes, there’s a high psychic reading up there,” he said seriously.
“Where exactly?” Kyle asked.
“In Will’s bedroom.”
Mandy began crying again and Beth said, “Would you excuse us for a moment?”
The Doctor and Beth stood in the kitchen. Beth said, “What do you suspect it is?”
“Well it seems something is tampering with Will’s memory or something,” he opened a nearby biscuit tin, took out a digestive and began eating it, much to Beth’s disapproval, “I think what happened out there was a temporary blockage in the psychic link,” Beth frowned, “The power which was controlling him must have weakened for a moment and Will must have remembered his parents, ran back home, but then the link must have reinforced itself and Will forgot them again.”
“It must be tough for them,” Beth said, glancing at Mandy, who was once again crying.
“Yeah,” the Doctor sighed, “It’s tough when someone you’re close to forgets all about you.”
He was silent for a moment then said, “But we’ll put a stop to this, there’s got to be a way.”
He walked back into the living room and said, “Right, we’re going to find Will for you and ensure he’s back to normal.”
Kyle smiled and Mandy stopped sobbing for a moment.
“How can you say that, you might not be able to…?” Kyle said.
“I promise,” the Doctor said seriously and Kyle smiled, having full trust in this man who he had just gotten to know.
“Don’t worry about us, we’ll be back soon,” Beth smiled and they left them in the room, full of hope and trust.

The Doctor and Beth hurried down the dark street, hearing foxes scattering in the alleyways and groups of teenagers shouting outside the shops. Beth looked around nervously, anything could happen to them.
The Doctor walked forward confidently, Beth trailing by his side.
“Do you ever get the feeling you’re being watched?” Beth laughed nervously.
“Hmm?” the Doctor asked.
A camera in the distance turned towards the pair and suddenly all the lights in the street flickered off one by one, leaving them completely in darkness. Beth clutched at the Doctor’s arm and he muttered, “Keep calm, we’ll be fine.”Beth heard a car swerving in the distance and screamed as a car with its lights shining menacingly came hurtling towards them.
“Doctor!” she shouted and he pulled them both out of the way moments before the car zoomed past them. She heard it crash out of control and suddenly a loud bang echoed into the street. The Doctor and Beth stood still breathlessly and suddenly, the lights flickered back on. They noticed the car wreckage crashed up against the wall and ran towards it. When they reached it, Beth gasped at the passenger whose head was against the wheel. It was Will.
“Oh my God, is he alive?” Beth gasped.
The Doctor slowly removed him from the car and suddenly Will sprang to life. He wriggled in the Doctor’s arms, thrashing around and demanding to be let go.
“Get off me!” he shouted, “I’ve got a job to do.”
“Hey,” the Doctor said, “You just tried to kill us and you’re asking me to let you go? I think it’s us who should be ordering you about.”
Will slumped, defeated and said, “What do you want me to do?”
“Take me to your leader,” the Doctor said, trying not to grin. Beth rolled her eyes.
“Fine,” Will said calmly, “But whatever happens is completely your fault.”
Beth watched him as he grinned evilly and led them towards his leader.

The Doctor and Beth turned a corner and a shabby warehouse was in front of them. Beth swallowed as they entered and in the distance was a white figure.
“Please don’t be ghosts,” she thought to herself.
Before anything else could happen, the figure turned around and lunged at Beth. She screamed as the figure completely covered her and wrapped its strangely strong hands around her hand. She could just about see the Doctor stumbling for his sonic screwdriver, but then he was grabbed back by Will who had a smile on his face.
“More will join the army,” he chanted, “More will join the army.”Beth struggled and a feeling overcame her head. She felt memories disappearing and thoughts fading. Slowly, her head became light and she collapsed to the floor.
“Beth!” the Doctor shouted, trying to lunge forward and help her but failing.
The figure sauntered backwards and stood where it was before. Beth slowly got up, a look of hatred in her eyes.
“Beth?” the Doctor asked.
Beth looked the Doctor up and down, disgusted and said, “When do we get to kill this one?”
The Doctor watched as Beth examined him, “Don’t you remember me?” he asked helplessly.
“I’ve never seen you before in my life,” she said, walking towards Will, “Now, which death would you like? Slow, fast or painful?”

To be Continued…